On 09Mar2023 09:06, Alan Gauld <learn2prog...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 08/03/2023 21:56, aapost wrote:
When making a UI there are a lot of binding/trace operations that need
to occur that lead to a lot of annoying 1 use function definitions. I
don't really see lambda use like below.

Lambdas are very common in GUI callbacks but I admit I've never seen
tuples used to create multiple expressions. That's a neat trick I
hadn't thought of and will probably use.

I often uses as a debugging hack. Given:

    foo=lambda: expr

I'll often write:

    foo=lambda: (X("foo happening here!"), ...maybe more..., expr)[-1]

to embed some debug tracing in a lambda defined expression.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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