On Sunday, 12 March 2023 at 06:17:54 UTC+1, avi.e...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have used GNU Octave as a sort of replacement for MATLAB as a free 
> resource. I have no idea if it might meet your needs. 
> Although Python is a good environment for many things, if you have no 
> knowledge of it yet, it can take a while to know enough and if you just need 
> it for one project, ...
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Python-list <python-list-bounces+avi.e.gross=gmai...@python.org> On 
> Behalf Of Thomas Passin 
> Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 12:02 AM 
> To: pytho...@python.org 
> Subject: Re: Can you process seismographic signals in Python or should I 
> switch to Matlab ?
> On 3/11/2023 6:54 PM, a a wrote: 
> > My project 
> > 
> https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/loma-prieta-earthquake.htm 
> l 
> If your goal is to step through this Matlab example, then clearly you 
> should use Matlab. If you do not have access to Matlab or cannot afford 
> it, then you would have to use something else, and Python would be a 
> prime candidate. However, each of the techniques and graphs in the 
> lesson have been pre-packaged for you in the Matlab case but not with 
> Python (many other case studies on various topics that use Python Python 
> can be found, though). 
> Everything in the Matlab analysis can be done with Python and associated 
> libraries. You would have to learn various processing and graphing 
> techniques. You would also have to get the data from somewhere. It's 
> prepackaged for this analysis and you would have to figure out where to 
> get it. There is at least one Python package that can read and convert 
> Matlab files - I do not remember its name, though. 
> A more important question is whether doing the Matlab example prepares 
> you to do any other analyses on your own. To shed some light on this, 
> here is a post on some rather more advanced analysis using data on the 
> same earthquake, done with Python tools - 
> https://towardsdatascience.com/earthquake-time-series-forecasts-using-a-hybr 
> id-clustering-lstm-approach-part-i-eda-6797b22aed8c
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Thank you my dear friends for your kind opinions.

Matlab is pro, commercial, paid and demo is available for tests only.
So it's hard to dicuss projects, apps in Matlab if cannot be verified by peers.

What is hot today is the following 3D plot animation in Matplotlib


But some unknown reasons Matplotlib and numpy crash my Python 3.8 for Windows , 
32-bit and no support is offered

Ok, I can read 100 research papers daily, preview hundreds pages of text from 
search engines.

But what I need is analysis of seismograms from 4,000 seismographs world wide 
to detect P-wave energy distribution underground around the earthquake to 
verify EQ Domino Effect

As you can see below, the Matlab project named in my first submission turned 
into Python project
and EQ energy envelope makes sense.

But I would prefer to join 100+ man project in seismology since it may take me 
months to download
seismograms, process seismograms, preview, select features and build EQ energy 
envelope 3D plots for earthquakes in Turkey alone.

To develop another theory, to get data, process data and get results for 
analysis to verify EQ energy envelope Domino Effect

I am afraid there are no team research projects in seismology.
What is published and discussed is one-man project.


PICOSS: Python Interface for the Classification of
Seismic Signals
A. Buenoa, L. Zuccarellob,c, A. D ́ıaz-Morenod, J. Woolamd, M. Titosb, L.
Garc ́ıaa, I.  ́Alvareza, J. Prudenciob, S. De Angelisd
aDepartment of Signal Theory, Telematic and Communications, University of 
bDepartment of Theoretical Physics and Cosmos, University of Granada, Spain.
cIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Pisa, Italy
dDepartment of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK




STA-LTA Algorithm and Seismometer Trajectory visualization in 3D

Tonumoy /



    A Python Interface for the Classification of Seismic Signals.

PICOSS is a Python GUI designed as a modular data-curator platform for 
volcano-seismic data analysis. Detection, segmentation and classification. With 
exportability and standardization at its core, users can select automatic or 
manual workflows to annotate seismic data from the suite of included tools.

Originally, PICOSS was designed for the purposes of seismicity research as a 
collaboration between University of Granada (UGR) and University of Liverpool 
(UoL). However, the system can be used within a wide range of geophysical 
We are currently working on switching the interface from Python 2.7 to Python 



Simulations of the Loma Prieta earthquake using an energy-based envelope shape. 

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