On 3/17/2023 9:38 AM, Simon Ward wrote:
On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 02:05:50PM +0100, Roel Schroeven wrote:
Even better than simply highlighting is (IMO) a thing called "Rainbow Braces" or "Bracket Pair Colorization" I recently learned about: both braces of a matching pair get the same color, while other pairs get other colors. I have to say I like it quite a lot. It's in VS Code these days; possible there are implementations or extensions for other editors and IDEs as well.

VS Code also supports ‘semantic highlighting’: Instead of simply highlighting syntax, highlight the same identifiers in the same colours, with the aim of helping you see them through the flow of the code.

Even with a simple "Find" command I don't like that behavior, let alone for programming. I find that all those other marked instances make it harder for me to read the surrounding material. They are good for moving from one instance to another, but otherwise they get in the way for me.


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