On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:32:17 +0200, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

> First of all, the recursive version of Fibonacci IS EXPONENTIAL in complexity,
> don't say such not-quite-truth as "not quite". 

Your correction is noted. I had compared the work done with 2**n, but of
course any constant greater than one can exhibit exponential growth.

Out of interest, the number of recursive calls (including the first
function call) made when calculating the nth Fibonacci number are
themselves part of a Fibonacci-like sequence. Look at the 1st order

n   Fib(n)  Calls  1st Diff
0:  0       1      N/A
1:  1       1      0
2:  1       3      2
3:  2       5      2
4:  3       9      4
5:  5       15     6
6:  8       25     10
7:  13      41     16
8:  21      67     26
9:  34      109    42
10: 55      177    68
11: 89      287    110
12: 144     465    178

Notice the pattern?

> But, what is more important:
> If you don't know too much about the way the functional programming is
> used nowadays, please refrain from giving nonsensical examples, since
> NOBODY serious programs something in the style of your recursive version.

I never said that my recursive version was a practical implementation.
But it is a very common algorithm -- I have four or five textbooks at home
that give it. In many textbooks and programming courses, the first
algorithm given to introduce the principle of recursion is either
factorial or the Fibonacci sequence. For example:


gives the same naive recursive implementation in Fortran.

If you google for Fibonacci sequences, you will find dozens,
possibly hundreds, of implementations virtually identical to the one I
gave. Also significant numbers of Java apps that run slow for values of n
larger than 30 or 40 -- a good sign that they are using the naive

It is a rare under-graduate or secondary school textbook that suggests
that the naive algorithm is anything but a poor idea.

> Such anti-advertizing of recursion says less about the recursion
> than about yourself.

Yeah, whatever.

> Here you are a recursive version linear in n; it
> returns the two last Fibonacci numbers of the sequence
> def fibo(n):
>       if n<2:
>          return (n-1,n)
>       else:
>          (a,b)=fibo(n-1)
>          return (b,a+b)

Ah, I like this algorithm! I'll add it to my collection. Thank you.



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