On 2023-04-12, Roel Schroeven <r...@roelschroeven.net> wrote:

>> Huh? If we'd been discussing namedtuples over (say) dictionaries, I'd 
>> perhaps have accepted the reply.
> ChatGPT is wrong.
>> Anything I've 'missed'?
>> - or a salutary tale of not depending upon ChatGPT etc?

> You didn't miss anything, ChatGPT is wrong. The thing to look out for is 
> that when ChatGPT is wrong, it sounds just as convincing as when it's 
> right; there is no indication in it's tone or style that it's making 
> things up.

Yep, that's how ChatGPT works. It's a program to generate output
language that sounds right based on a huge training set of
text. Whether that "right sounding" language agrees with real world
facts or not is irrelevent to the language-generating algorithm.



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