On 20/04/2023 04.25, Alan Gauld wrote:
On 19/04/2023 10:51, Kevin M. Wilson via Python-list wrote:
  I'm in a bit of a quandary, I want some strict syntax errors to be flagged,

OK, You might want to use a "linter" in that case because most
tools use the interpreter itself to flag syntax errors.

  but the use of single quotes vs double quotes!
NOT what I need from the 'checker', you dig?

Not really. What is the problem. Use of single versus double quotes
is straightforward - use one or the other and make sure they
match(opening and closing) You can nest one type inside the
other if you need literal quotes. And of course the same applies
to triple quotes except you can include newlines inside those.

What kind of problems are you experiencing with quotes?
If we have some specific examples we can give specific answers.

"stones" for bull, how do I set up the kind of "checking" I want?

That's not a phrase with which I'm familiar but my guess
is you need to install a linter tool and then, possibly
configure it to flag or hide particular error/warning types
to your personal taste. Each tool is different so you
will need to read the docs on how to configure it
(and how to plumb it into your IDE).

Personally I've never felt the need for any stricter error
checking than the interpreter provides so I can't offer
anything beyond the generic suggestion to use a linter.


PyCharm enables a range of Python-linters. Some by add-in. Some by "External tools" (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/configuring-third-party-tools.html).

Once a linter is made-available, some allow one to tune the application or relaxation of certain 'rules', eg whether commas in a comma-separated list are to be followed by a space.

Whether any enable the restriction of quotes use is another matter - probably for the reasons @Alan has already covered.

PyCharm auto-magically enters both an opening-quote and a closing-quote whenever start typing a string. The 'trick' is not to delete the close whilst editing.

After gaining experience, I have a convention of when to use apostrophes and when double-quotes. These old eyes dislike mixing both in a single expression - but sometimes it is the best course to follow.



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