On 5/12/2023 2:42 AM, David John wrote:
I recently have been experiencing issues with the pip installation module.
I have python version 3.11 installed. I've checked the directory installed
in the systems variables window and nothing is amiss. Kindly assist.

It would be useful if you told us what operating system you are using and how you installed Python.

Many if not most Linux distributions do not include pip by default. Usually the package manager as a version to install. On systems based on Debian, you can install pip with:

sudo apt install python3-pip

On others, you will have to look around in the package manager or search on line.

As a last resort, if you cannot find an OS package manager way to install pip, you find out how from here:


As the link says, you can run from a command line:

<python> -m ensurepip --upgrade

NOTE: instead of <python>, use the command that launches the right version of python on your system On Windows, this is usually py. On Linux, it is usually python3.


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