On Wed, 24 May 2023 at 08:22, Rob Cliffe <rob.cli...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> > This sort of code might be better as a single expression. For example:
> >
> > user = (
> >      request.GET["user"]
> >      .decode("utf-8")
> >      .strip()
> >      .lower()
> > )
> > user = orm.user.get(name=user)
> >
> >
> LOL.  And I thought I was the one with a (self-confessed) tendency to
> write too slick, dense, smart-alec code. 😁
> Indeed, I was itching to shorten it (starting with the low-hanging
> fruit: user = user.strip().lower() ).
> Seriously though: this kind of condensation can come unstuck when any of
> the steps need to be made more complicated.
> (Suppose request.GET might return ASCII, might return Unicode, depending
> on which server it was talking to.)

Do you mean "ASCII or UTF-8"? Because decoding as UTF-8 is fine with
ASCII (it's a superset). You should always consistently get the same
data type (bytes or text) based on the library you're using.


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