On 6/10/23, Thomas Passin via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:
> Yes; I didn't want to get too esoteric with commands that are hard to
> figure out and remember, because then why not use Powershell, whose
> commands are hard to figure out and remember?

Using `dir /s [/ad] [/b] "[path\]pattern"` with a wildcard pattern is
a simple way to recursively search for a filename or directory,
without needing to pipe the output to a findstr/grep/awk command. It's
also fast. Of course, CMD's wildcards aren't nearly as powerful as
regular expressions.

The examples I included with `for` loops in CMD were for completeness
to show how to get the results in a loop variable for further
processing in a batch script. Personally, I use `for` loops a lot even
when working at the command prompt, but I'm a dinosaur in that regard.
Using PowerShell really should be preferred nowadays.

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