On 6/13/23 12:12, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list wrote:

Am Di., 13.Juni.2023 um 19:20:38 schrieb Jim Schwartz:
What version of visual studio are you using?

Visual Studio 2022, aka 17.6.2.

What version of python?

python 3.10.11 or 3.11.4

I’ve had success with using the cython package in python and cl from visual studio, but I haven’t tried visual studio alone.

Same problem at the same place: directory "../modules/..." not found, Renaming it from "Modules" to "modules" it is found, but then fails to find "Modules".

Looks like it awaits, compiling in Windows an filesystem only case aware, not case sensitive -- I'm assuming this a bug now. Building within cygwin (or MSYS, Ubuntu) this works as expected. But there it does not search for "modules" once and "Modules" at an other place.

I just did this build the other day for the first time even from a git checkout (so VS22, and not a versioned release but top of main branch), and there was no such problem - did you follow the instructions at https://devguide.python.org/getting-started/setup-building/index.html?


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