On 15/06/2023 08:58, Real Live FootBall Tv via Python-list wrote:
> I have followed the instructions given on how to install the app. What I
> needed was an application to cut of silence from my video and I saw auto
> editor demonstrated as one of the applications that could do that. It does
> cut the silent areas of an MP4 format video for instance but would save it
> as a XML file which in turn would be exported to the video editor that
> supports the output from the auto editor app. The one who demonstrated it
> in a video used Davinci Resolve to import the XML file, I followed same
> process but I couldn't get same result.

It looks like you have three parts to this puzzle:
- auto-editor
- resolve
- Python

It's not clear which part isn't working but you can at
least test Python is working after you install it
by running the interpreter in a console/terminal
window by typing python at the command prompt.

If you get the Python prompt:


Then Python is installed OK.

After that it's back into auto-editor and resolve and this is
not the best place to get answers for those. Resolve at least
has an active support forum, so I'd start there(assuming
python works!)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


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