On 21/10/2023 01.32, Thomas Passin via Python-list wrote:
On 10/19/2023 11:16 PM, Bongo Ferno via Python-list wrote:
On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 11:26:52 PM UTC-3, avi.e...@gmail.com wrote:

There are many ways to make transient variables that disappear at some time and do we need yet another? Yes, you can create one of those ways but what
is the big deal with deleting a variable when no longer used?

Assigning a variable to something can be anything else than a temporal alias. A with statement makes clear that the alias is an alias and is local, and it automatically clears the variable after the block code is used.

Python clutters the variable space with vars that are needed only on certain places, and an alias doesn't has a scope. Convenient alias are short names, and short names are limited in quantity. If the space is cluttered with short alias, it opens risks for wrong utilization.

Its like writing a "for i" in a list comprehension and having to worry if "i" was already used in another place..

If a name is temporarily needed in a certain place and in a certain scope then reusing the name shouldn't be a problem.

Agree. Surely, the only time we use a name like "i" is in a throw-away context?

Under many circumstances Python will let us use "_" in place of a named-identifier - which enables both us and Python to remember its short-lived value/local-only use.

Using an alias MERELY for the convenience of a shorter-name suggests two things: 1 lack of a competent editor/IDE, 2 lack of imagination in choosing names (perhaps one of THE skills of programming!)

Yes, there are other languages which enforce a limited-scope on data-items created within or as part of a code-structure - and it IS a handy feature! On the other hand, Python's apposite stance can be useful too, eg trivial toy-example:

# list_of_stuff = ...

for n, element in list_of_stuff:
    if element == target:

# now element == target, so "element" is probably not that useful
# but "n" is the index of the target-element, which may be
# (there are other ways to accomplish same)

Please take a look at the ideas behind "Modular Programming". This encourages the breaking-up of monolithic code and its "cluttered" global namespace, into potentially-independent code-units. The outlined-problem is solved by the independent scope of those code-units (in Python: modules, classes, functions, and "if __name__ == "__main__":". (to say nothing of the coder's virtues of "re-use", the "Single Responsibility Principle", "do one thing, and do it well", Law of Demeter, ...)

Personal comment: my habit is to break specs into many classes and functions - sometimes more-so than others might prefer. Cannot recall when last had that hard-to-locate bug of unwittingly re-using a name/alias.
(apologies: not a boast - a recommendation for going modular)


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