
> On 2023-11-01, Simon Connah via Python-list python-list@python.org wrote:

> > I'm building a simple project using smtplib and have a
> > question. I've been doing unit testing but I'm not sure how to check
> > if an email message is valid.


> Send an e-mail using it? If the right person gets the e-mail, then
> it's valid?

> > Using regex sounds like a bad idea to me and the other options I
> > found required paying for third party services.
> > 

> > Could someone push me in the right direction please? I just want to
> > find out if a string is a valid email address.

OK. It is going to take me some time to get round to every reply here so please 
bear with me.

Basically I'm writing unit tests and one of them passess in a string with an 
invalid email address. I need to be able to check the string to see if it is a 
valid email so that the unit test passess.


> You'll have to define "valid". Valid syntactically according to
> <what>? Will be accepted by an SMTP server somewhere? Corresponds to

> a real person?

> Make sure it has an '@' in it. Possibly require at least one '.'
> after the '@'.

> Trying to do anything more than that is just wasting your time and
> annoying the mule.

Valid as in conforms to the standard. Although having looked at the standard 
that might be more difficult than originally planned.


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