On 11/15/2023 2:04 PM, Grizzy Adams via Python-list wrote:
Wednesday, November 15, 2023  at 12:19, Pierre Fortin wrote:
Re: Newline (NuBe Question) (at least in part)

On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:51:09 -0000 Grizzy Adams via Python-list wrote:

I don't give solutions; just a nudge...  you appear not to fully grok
"list"; your list is ONE list with no delineation between students. You
want a "list of lists"...

['Example High', 'Mary', 89.6, 'Pass', 'Example High', 'Matthew', 76.5, 'Fail', 
'Example High', 'Marie', 80.4, 'Fail', 'Example High', 'Manuel', 79.6, 'Fail', 
'Example High', 'Malala', 98.9, 'Pass']

Like this:

students = [
    ['Example High', 'Mary', 89.6, 'Pass'],
    ['Example High','Matthew', 76.5, 'Fail'],
    ['Example High', 'Marie', 80.4, 'Fail'],
    ['Example High', 'Manuel', 79.6, 'Fail'],
    ['Example High', 'Malala', 98.9, 'Pass']

for now I made a copt of code and altered to

students = []
grades = []

# In this design there is no point in the extra loop.
# also, the indentation is wrong.  Perhaps you inserted
# tabs?  Use only spaces in these posts.
# Also you don't need the students list
for student in geographyClass:
        # students.append(geographyStudent(s))
        s = geographyStudent(student)

 # for s in students:
      if s.finalGrade()>82: Result=("Pass")
      else: Result=("Fail")
      print(s.school, s.name, s.finalGrade(),Result)

This may help get you headed in the right direction:

for s in students:
    print( s )

Hint: look forward to learning about f-strings...

I will look forward to them, may even go search ahead,


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