On 26/11/2023 18.50, Dieter Maurer wrote:
Piergiorgio Sartor wrote at 2023-11-25 22:15 +0100:
Apparently, the "with" context manager is not usable
in classes, at least not with __init__() & co.

You can use `with` in classes -- with any context manager.
However, you would usually not use `with` with a file you have opened
in `__init__`.

If a class defines `__enter__` and `__exit__` (i.e.
the "cntext manager protocol"), then its instances
can be used with the `with` statement.

The important use case for a context manager is the
        set up a context (--> method `__enter__`)
        perform some operations in this context (--> body of `with` statement)
        tear down the context (--> method `__exit__`).
If you do not have this case (e.g. usually if you open the file
in a class's `__init__`), you do not use a context manager.

Very clear, but what if the class is *not* "open()",
but something else _requiring_ using "with"?
How to do this in a "__init__()" of a class?

In other words, what if "open()" could *only* be used
with "with" and not just by assigning "fp = open()"?

The problem is I've some SDK of some device which
provides context manager *only* classes.

I *cannot* do:

device = device_open(...)

I *must* do:

with device_open() as device:

Nevertheless, I _need_ to have a class
where the device is opened in the __init__()
and used in some methods.

Any ideas?





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