On 12/22/2023 7:19 PM, Barry wrote:

On 23 Dec 2023, at 00:15, Thomas Passin via Python-list 
<python-list@python.org> wrote:

In neither case is the shebang line used.

As i understand it, not in front of my windows box to check.
The handler for .py file extension is set to be the py.exe
It is py.exe that understands shebang lines.

Not on my system. It may depend on whether Python gets installed to Program Files or to %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Programs/Python. Python 3.9 is the last verson I installed to Program Files, and that's the version that Windows thinks it should use to run Python files.

Run the little test program I posted. That will tell you which version of Python the system wants to use.

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