First, one of the posters got it right.  Nothing is REALLY ever "written"
to the file.  Consider it a global variable that isn't a global variable.

Assume you have two modules, A and B.  Both modules import config.
Furthermore, let's assume that Module B 'writes' a variable called "font"...


That information is immediately available to Module A.  All Module A has to
do is (assuming that it has been initialized previously) do something like


Now, myFont has the value "TkDefaultFont" in both modules A and B.

Further, let's assume that we need to pass a ttk::Theme to Module B...
Module A does a
shared.currentTheme = "clam"

Anytime Module B wants to check the value of the shared variable, it can

MyCurrentTheme = shared.currentTheme.

You can also use a similar variable that will hold a flag boolean "saying"
something like

shared.UpdatedInfo = True

This can be tested at any time via any timer check, including a Tkinter
root.after type timer.  If the timer is true, simply go through your list
of shared variables (You should keep them in a list just to be sure) then
they can be checked on a timed basis.  Or just use ...

MyVariable=shared.VariableName anytime you need to make sure it's updated.
If the value is the same, it only wastes a few clock cycles.  However if it
has been updated, then you got the latest version.

This can work for any number of modules.  You aren't limited to just two.

I hope this helps.

*My memory check bounced*

Greg Walters

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