On 1/21/2024 11:54 AM, marc nicole wrote:
Thanks for the reply,

I think using a Pandas (or a Numpy) approach would optimize the execution of the program.

Target cells could be up to 10% the size of the dataset, a good example to start with would have from 10 to 100 values.

Thanks for the reformatted code.  It's much easier to read and think about.

For say 100 points, it doesn't seem that "optimization" would be much of an issue. On my laptop machine and Python 3.12, your example takes around 5 seconds to run and print(). OTOH if you think you will go to much larger datasets, certainly execution time could become a factor.

I would think that NumPy arrays and/or matrices would have good potential.

Is this some kind of a cellular automaton, or an image filtering process?

Let me know your thoughts, here's a reproducible example which I formatted:

from numpy import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import operator
import math
from collections import deque
from queue import *
from queue import Queue
from itertools import product

def select_target_values(dataframe, number_of_target_values):
     target_cells = []
     for _ in range(number_of_target_values):
         row_x = random.randint(0, len(dataframe.columns) - 1)
         col_y = random.randint(0, len(dataframe) - 1)
         target_cells.append((row_x, col_y))
     return target_cells

def select_contours(target_cells):
     contour_coordinates = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
     contour_cells = []
     for target_cell in target_cells:
         # random contour count for each cell
         contour_cells_count = random.randint(1, 4)
                             lambda i, j: i + j,
                             (target_cell[0], target_cell[1]),
                     for iteration_ in range(contour_cells_count)
         except IndexError:
     return contour_cells

def create_zipf_distribution():
     zipf_dist = random.zipf(2, size=(50, 5)).reshape((50, 5))

     zipf_distribution_dataset = pd.DataFrame(zipf_dist).round(3)

     return zipf_distribution_dataset

def apply_contours(target_cells, contour_cells):
     target_cells_with_contour = []
     # create one single list of cells
     for idx, target_cell in enumerate(target_cells):
         target_cell_with_contour = [target_cell]
     return target_cells_with_contour

def create_possible_datasets(dataframe, target_cells_with_contour):
     all_datasets_final = []
     dataframe_original = dataframe.copy()

     list_tuples_idx_cells_all_datasets = list(
             lambda x: x,
            [list(tuples) for tuples in list(product(*target_cells_with_contour))],
     target_original_cells_coordinates = list(
             lambda x: x[0],
                 for target_and_contour_cell in target_cells_with_contour
     for dataset_index_values in list_tuples_idx_cells_all_datasets:
         all_datasets = []
         for idx_cell in range(len(dataset_index_values)):
             dataframe_cpy = dataframe.copy()
             ] = dataframe_original.iloc[
                dataset_index_values[idx_cell][1], dataset_index_values[idx_cell][0]
     return all_datasets_final

def main():
     zipf_dataset = create_zipf_distribution()

     target_cells = select_target_values(zipf_dataset, 5)
     contour_cells = select_contours(target_cells)
     target_cells_with_contour = apply_contours(target_cells, contour_cells)
    datasets = create_possible_datasets(zipf_dataset, target_cells_with_contour)


Le dim. 21 janv. 2024 à 16:33, Thomas Passin via Python-list <python-list@python.org <mailto:python-list@python.org>> a écrit :

    On 1/21/2024 7:37 AM, marc nicole via Python-list wrote:
     > Hello,
     > I have an initial dataframe with a random list of target cells
    (each cell
     > being identified with a couple (x,y)).
     > I want to yield four different dataframes each containing the
    value of one
     > of the contour (surrounding) cells of each specified target cell.
     > the surrounding cells to consider for a specific target cell are
    : (x-1,y),
     > (x,y-1),(x+1,y);(x,y+1), specifically I randomly choose 1 to 4
    cells from
     > these and consider for replacement to the target cell.
     > I want to do that through a pandas-specific approach without
    having to
     > define the contour cells separately and then apply the changes on the
     > dataframe

    1. Why do you want a Pandas-specific approach?  Many people would
    keep code independent of special libraries if possible;

    2. How big can these collections of target cells be, roughly speaking?
    The size could make a big difference in picking a design;

    3. You really should work on formatting code for this list.  Your code
    below is very complex and would take a lot of work to reformat to the
    point where it is readable, especially with the nearly impenetrable
    arguments in some places.  Probably all that is needed is to replace
    tabs by (say) three spaces, and to make sure you intentionally break
    lines well before they might get word-wrapped.  Here is one example I
    have reformatted (I hope I got this right):

    list_tuples_idx_cells_all_datasets = list(filter(
         lambda x: utils_tuple_list_not_contain_nan(x),
         [list(tuples) for tuples in list(

    4. As an aside, it doesn't look like you need to convert all those
    sequences and iterators to lists all over the place;

     > (but rather using an all in one approach):
     > for now I have written this example which I think is not Pandas

-- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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