"Science Researcher" wrote in message news:z4acnqbo6mkf9kz4nz2dnzfqn_edn...@earthlink.com...


PYTHON STAMPEDE TIME ? – Posted on February 18, 2024

Before discussing this specific topic in detail I am going to mention another Internet security practice. That practice applies to this particular posting.


It can pose some risks for a person to post a note to any Newsgroup or for him or her to even circulate an E-mail letter that contains his or her exact Web site address.

One of the reasons for this is the fact that many hackers around the world can probably gain access to files that contain Web site addresses. They can then change something in an address. When people click on that address they can then be fooled and transported to the hacker’s own Web site where there could be some malicious software.

Generally, what I myself do is point people to major Internet search engines where they can find links to my personal Web site. I expect that it can be difficult for hackers to effectively trick major Internet search engines such as Yahoo or Google into providing people with inaccurate Web site addresses. The hackers might trick the search engines for short periods of time. But recovery for the search engines should be fairly rapid.


Over the years, I have worked with personnel involved with quite a few governments and organizations such as the United Nations.

Some python Newsgroup readers might think that I am making up the following:

Without any doubt and quite surprisingly, the most cooperative people whom I have ever encountered are the people who post notes to the python Newsgroup.

My best guess is that they (some of you) do a certain amount of computer programming because it is simply interesting and fun. It is unlikely that anyone is paying you to post notes here.

I hope that this spirit of cooperation will continue. Responses to this present post should indicate if that will remain the case.


What I discovered long ago is the fact that perhaps the best way to get other scientists around the world to do something, or even anything, is to create a “Science Stampede.”

Most scientists like fame and fortune, especially the fame part. They like to publish scientific papers and see their publications get discussed in the international news.

They DON’T like to feel like they are getting left behind in some area of science where they believe they might be experts.

A “Science Stampede” involves circulating information that demonstrates that some important scientific discovery has been made. It proposes to scientists that their participation in some effort might get them some credit, or money, or both, with their employers or with international news service personnel.

If the scientists believe that the circulated information is credible they are likely to try to get involved with the subject matter. They might ask their employers to pay them to work on the project being discussed.

This sequence of events can quickly result in a “Science Stampede.” Everyone rushes to get a piece of the action.


I am going to guess that the following should work. I hope that it will.


Anyone who wants to visit my Web site can go to any major Internet search engine and type in the following line:

earthquake research index.html Data.html

My Earthquake Forecasting Web site address should be at or near the top of the returned list. If it is not, then try a different search engine.

Near the top of the index.html Web page there is a link for one of my Web pages called “Humanitarian Projects.” If you click on that link you will find a discussion of a number of proposed python computer programming efforts.

One is already running though I was not involved with the effort. It involves using python code to translate and compile programs written using other languages. One called PC BASIC was I believe created using that approach.

Also near the top of the index.html Web page there is a link for one of my Web pages called “Energy Islands.”

I believe that the “Energy Islands” discussed on my Web page represent a look into the future for some Renewable Energy projects. I am presently trying to get governments and scientific organization to take an interest in doing some research on those proposed “Inventions.” So far, I have never seen anything like them discussed anywhere.


My already existing perl language programs can do a number of things that are important for earthquake science.

1. They can generate data related to the locations of the sun and the moon in the sky relative to the surface of the Earth. Those data are in good agreement with the U.S. Navy’s MICA computer program.

There is a TrueBasic EXE computer program called SunGP that is available through my Web site. It generates those sun and moon location data plus some important data associated with an effect that scientists refer to as the “Tide Generating Force.”

That is not a true force but rather a math representation that explains how the sun and moon gravities affect ocean tides and the “Solid Earth Tide.”

It took a combined effort lasting about 6 months for a retired U.S. government computer programmer and me to create the SunGP computer program. Not being a math expert it was a nightmarish effort for me to try to picture how sun and moon gravity forces needed to be added together in 3 dimensions so that the needed data could be generated.

People whom I talked with in a math Newsgroup stated to me that there was no simpler way to add the gravity forces together in 3 dimensions than the equations that I had developed. However, I think that they were probably wrong. There must be an easier way.

Anyway, the equations that I developed do work as needed. A python computer program could easily do what the existing TrueBasic SunGP.exe computer program does.

2. The sun and moon data can be used by researchers to tell why many of our powerful earthquake are occurring at the exact times that they are occurring.

It is somewhat astonishing to me that after all of these centuries, I was likely the first scientist on the planet to clearly demonstrate that those earthquake triggering sun and moon gravity effects can be easily shown to exist. At least one scientific paper was published based on my data.

3. When the right type of earthquake precursor data are entered into my perl language computer program it becomes possible to predict when at least some of our powerful earthquakes are going to occur.

4. Using the right type of earthquake precursor data, the perl program can do an absolutely extraordinary job with predicting earthquake aftershocks. This is because we already know WHERE an aftershock is going to occur. We only need to determine WHEN one will occur.

5. My perl language program will run with the ancient Windows XP operating system, off a flash drive, and even using a read/write CD compact disk.

I don’t recommend that anyone try running the program using a read/write CD. I tried doing that. Snails move faster. Trees grow faster.

6. The entire program can be easily moved from one computer to another by copying the necessary directories and the 5.1 version of perl that the program uses.

7. EXE versions of the perl program can be created. But what they do is simply bundle the program code with the entire perl compiler. The resultant EXE program will run on a Windows computer. But it is both enormous and slow.

8. The perl language program has a feature that makes it possible to get the program running, then temporarily jump out of the program and change the code, and then tell the perl compiler to restart using the new code.

That feature was developed because when the program runs, it creates a variety of data arrays. They take a while to create. If the data arrays had to be recreated each time the program was restarted like that, nothing would ever get done. But with that routine, the arrays remain active in the computer. I understand that python can also do that.

9.  Even I find it to be a nightmare to work with my perl language code.

They were created over a long period of time using layers of program code and subroutines that jump from one location to another using If Then GoTo commands.

That 5.1 ancient version of perl seems to be perfectly happy to jump out of a subroutine and go to another program location. It isn’t necessary to formally close the subroutine. However, you can’t simply jump INTO a subroutine and expect it to work. It has to be formally called.

It can literally take me days to add new features to the perl program because it is so complex. It is moderately well documented. But even then it can be difficult for me to determine exactly where some change needs to be made. That is partly because the perl program needs to interact with gnuplot.

One perl language expert who saw an EXE version of my program stated that it was the worst computer program he had ever seen.

He was likely correct with his opinion. But, not being a professional computer programmer, my attitude is that if a computer program runs and does what you want it to do, who cares if its code are a little (or a lot) ugly looking!

A python version of the program would be properly documented and actually look like it was written by professional computer programmers.


Obviously, it is nice to be able to save some lives with an Earthquake Forecasting computer program that actually works. However, there is a personal financial consideration that I feel is important.

Over the years it probably cost me a million dollars U.S. worth of my research time to develop that perl language computer program. It presently costs me perhaps $20,000 worth of my research time per year to keep it running.

It would save me a lot of time and money to simply get rid of the program development and usage efforts. Geology is not one of my specialty areas of science.

Geologists around the world can have the program for free with my full blessing. Two of them already published a technical paper that was based on data that my computer programs generated. So, they like the general subject matter.


Scientists and their governments and other employers already know how to generate sun and moon location data. But, I have never heard of any free or even costly software that can generate the “Tide Generating Force” types of data that my already existing free SunGP computer program can generate. And, SunGP is just a very basic routine in the far more complex perl language program.

It might be difficult to believe, but there are no scientists or governments anywhere that I have ever heard of that can generate the earthquake triggering types of data that my perl language computer program can generate.

Scientists and their government would really LIKE to be able to do that. But even though my perl language computer code have been available to them for years for free through a GNU license, as far as I am aware, no one else has ever tried to use or duplicate those program code.

It is my opinion that if a reasonable looking python version of the computer program is created, many scientists around the world will quickly get involved in a “Science Stampede” as they attempt to get some credit, publications, or even cash by making improvements to the program.

Earthquake science should then progress faster than almost any science anyone has ever heard about.

Python computer programmers should become the proverbial “Kings of the hill!”

I personally have no intention of becoming an expert python programmer. BASIC has always been my favorite programming language, not perl. The earliest versions of my perl program were developed using GWBasic. However, it had extreme limitations that quickly forced me to move to perl. Back then, python was I believe still in its early stages of development. Now it appears to me to be the language of choice.

As stated earlier, python Newsgroup users seem to also be a lot friendly than perl Newsgroup users were way back then. However, I really couldn’t blame the perl Newsgroup users for not liking my program. Its code WOULD BE pretty ugly looking to a professional computer programmer.

      These are statements of personal opinion.

Regards to all,

Science Researcher


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