Ww Inside = <250>
Ww Inside = <249>
Ww Inside = <250>
Ww Outside =

Here is my result...


-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list
sga.ni...@python.org> On
Behalf Of MRAB via Python-list
Sent: Sunday, February 25,
2024 6:40 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Problem resizing
a window and button placement

On 2024-02-25 21:19, Steve GS
via Python-list wrote:
> The fix was to write the
code that uses the width value
and to place it into the
function itself.
> Kluge? Maybe but it works.
> Mischief Managed.
> ========================
> As for the most recent
suggestion, it fails for me:
> Traceback (most recent call
>    File "F:/___zInsulin Code
A 08-02-23/WinPic/IOWw.pyw",
line 14, in <module>
>      print("Ww Outside = <"
+ str(Ww) > + ">")
> TypeError: bad operand type
for unary +: 'str'
It fails because there's a
mistake. It should be:

     print("Ww Outside = <" +
str(Ww) + ">")

> With the need to close the
window, it adds an extra step
and intervention to the
program to use. I am not sure
how this help[s.
> As a curio, it would be
interesting to see how to use
the value of a variable,
created in the function used
here, and make it available to
the code outside the function.



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