
I'm working on a CGI program that will run under MS IIS 5.0 and will
browse folders on three other machines, building HTML pages that will
provide links to these folders.

Essentially, the CGI will connect to each machine in turn, doing the
FindFirst/FindNext process based on the current criteria.  It will
select certain files/folders, and build an HTML page as it goes.

The premise is fine.  If I run the program from the command line, it
seems to work fine and I get my HTML code out.  I can copy the code
into a separate file, open it in the browser, and all appears right
with the world.

However, when I try to run the CGI from the browser itself, I get all
kinds of problems.  The first one I got was a 1312, "A specified logon
session does not exist.  It may have already been terminated."  After
doing some searching, I began to investigate impersonation of a logged
on user.  This produces a different error: 1314, "A required privilege
is not held by the client."

The code involved and the output I'm getting follows:

class Impersonate:
    def __init__(self, login, password ):
        self.domain = '4Q9ND21'
        self.login = login
        self.password = password
        self.handel = None
    def logon(self):
        tracelist.append("Impersonate logon step 0")
        win32security.RevertToSelf()    # terminates impersonation
        tracelist.append("Impersonate logon step 1")
        self.handel = win32security.LogonUser( self.login, self.domain,
self.password, win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE,
        tracelist.append("Impersonate logon step 2")
        tracelist.append("Impersonate logon step complete")
    def logoff(self):
        win32security.RevertToSelf()    # terminates impersonation
        if self.handel != None:
            self.handel.Close()         # guarantee cleanup

and I execute this code with the following

    impersonate = Impersonate( 'PYTHONTEST', 'PYTHONTEST' )
        tracelist.append("about to attempt the IMPERSONATE")
        tracelist.append("impersonate did NOT throw exception")
            tracelist.append("win32api.GetUserName = " +
win32api.GetUserName() )
            # print win32api.GetUserName() #show you're someone else
            impersonate.logoff() #return to normal
        a = "Impersonate Logon Error: %s %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)
        # print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value

When I run this code, my tracelist comes out with

2005-09-15 16:43:37
about to attempt the IMPERSONATE
Impersonate logon step 0
Impersonate logon step 1
Impersonate Logon Error: pywintypes.error (1314, 'LogonUser', 'A required
privilege is not held by the client.')

I'm coding this in Python 2.4 and the Windows extensions.  I have a
number of other CGI programs in Python running under IIS that work
correctly, but those only do database accesses.  This one I'm trying to
put together is the first one to actually do file searches.

I have set the privileges for the logged on account on my IIS box for
rebooted.  To no avail.  I'm not sure if there are additional
alterations that need to be done to the security policies or not.
Again, I'm not a guru.

If anyone can give me more information/guidance I would greatly
appreciate it.  If you need more information from me, I will do my best
to provide it.




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