Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
> On 15 Sep 2005 21:31:27 -0700, *gsteff* wrote:
>     SQLite rocks, its definitely the way to go.  Its binary is around 250K,
>     but it supports more of the SQL standard than MySQL.  It CAN be thread
>     safe, but you have to compile it with a threadsafe macro enabled. [...]
> Is this for running an SQL database, then using a separate python
> module to access the database?

SQLite being an embedded database, if you use it via pysqlite 
(http://pysqlite.org/), it is part of your Python application, i. e. 
there is no separate SQL server and client, the SQL engine is just part 
of your application and the data is located in one local file.

pysqlite itself is a little larger than SQLite, of course, for example 
the statically linked binary extension module on Windows is 331.776 
bytes in the latest version:

C:\>dir c:\Python24\lib\site-packages\pysqlite2
  Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist Lokaler Datenträger
  Volumeseriennummer: 8C7F-873C

  Verzeichnis von c:\Python24\lib\site-packages\pysqlite2

26.08.2005  11:00    <DIR>          .
26.08.2005  11:00    <DIR>          ..
16.05.2005  21:11             2.525 dbapi2.py
12.09.2005  10:49             2.425 dbapi2.pyc
12.09.2005  10:49             2.425 dbapi2.pyo
26.08.2005  11:00    <DIR>          test
12.09.2005  00:56           331.776 _sqlite.pyd
16.05.2005  21:11             1.016 __init__.py
12.09.2005  10:49               131 __init__.pyc
12.09.2005  10:49               131 __init__.pyo
                7 Datei(en)        340.429 Bytes

-- Gerhard


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