Maurice LING wrote:
> Hi,
> I just have a simple question about threads. My classes inherits from 
> threading.Thread class. I am calling method to 
> spawn a few threads to parallel some parts of my program. No thread 
> re-use, pooling, joining ... just plainly spawn a thread, run a routine.
> So, at the end of run(), what happens to the thread? Just die?

As far as you are concerned, yes. They really just return to 
wherever they came from. How they get created before they call 
the run() method, and where they go after run() returns is down 
to the implementation of the interpreter. Your code never sees 
them before or after.
> While I am on it, can accept any parameters?
No. But you can override it in a subclass.

> My current implementation may be ugly. I have a class
> class myThread(threading.Thread):
>     def __init__(self, func):
>         self.func = func
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>     def run(self):
>         print '%s function running' % self.func
>         self.func()
> which is used in
> class myClass: #using myThread
>     def __init__(self): pass
>     def aFunc(self): pass
>     def bFunc(self): pass
>     def runAll(self):
>         myThread(self.aFunc).start()
>         myThread(self.bFunc).start()

There is a school of thought that says that a derived object 
should never be altered such that it cannot be used as its parent 
could. I happen to agree largely with this. Now, your MyThread 
implementation is _reducing_ the functionality of its ancestor 
Thread object such that you could not use a myThread in place of 
a Thread. I believe that you should not be subclassing Thread to 
do this. Your myClass doesn't need it anyway. Look at this 
modified myClass:

class myClass2:
     def aFunc(self): pass
     def bFunc(self): pass
     def runAll(self):


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