Paul Rubin wrote:
> "Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>    "Is anyone truly attached to nested tuple function parameters;
>>    'def fxn((a,b)): print a,b'?  /.../
>>    Would anyone really throw a huge fit if they went away?  I am willing
>>    to write a PEP for their removal in 2.6 with a deprecation in 2.5 if
>>    people are up for it."
> It's not just function parameters, it works in assignments too:
>     s = ((1,2), (3,4))
>     ... 
>     ((x1,y1), (x2,y2)) = s
> Why is there such eagerness to remove it?

The eagerness is only to remove it from function parameters, not from 
tuple unpacking in general.  I'm not sure I fully understand why people 
are eager to do this, but it has to do something with making the AST 
simpler, and that the form itself is not used all that often.

But since I'm on the don't-remove-it side, my understanding of the 
arguments against it is probably lacking. ;)


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