Peter Hansen wrote:
> Chris Dewin wrote:
>>Hi. I've been thinking about using smtplib to run a mailing list from my 
>>s = smtplib.SMTP("server")
>>s.sendmail(fromaddress, toaddresess, msg)
>>I know that in this instance, the toaddresses variable can be a variable
>>of type list.
>>Suppose the list contains well over 100 emails. Would that create some
>>sort of drain on the mail server? Would I be better off doing it in some
>>other way? 
> Definitely consider a proper mailing list program like Mailman, as 
> Daniel suggested.
> In any case, unless the mail server will allow "relaying", which most 
> don't these days (to prevent spamming), then it won't work the way you 
> are hoping unless *all* the 100 addresses are local ones, to be 
> delivered to users on the server you are sending the mail to.
> If the addresses are scattered all over the planet, and the server 
> allows relaying, then it's intended for exactly this sort of use (other 
> than if it's spam ;-) ), and no, you won't be putting a "drain" on the 
> server.
> -Peter
To add one final note, if the "fromaddress" belongs to a domain that's 
properly handled by the SMTP server then you aren't relaying (since you 
are a legitimate domain user) so the mails should go through.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006                


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