Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
> No worries, I apologize for my outburst. I will check out the viability 
> of using an SSH module, or using pyCrypto or something to encrypt the data.
Please don't apologise. It's one of c.l.py's charms that an exchange 
such as the one you had with Robert Kern results in a perfectly equable 
exchange of views rather than an escalatory flame war of the "fuck off 
and die" nature.

Please excuse my language, I've been reading too much Xah Lee lately.

> Here's my mission: simple P2P class with encryption of whatever type of 
> file is being sent, and authentication via encrypted user name/password. 
> So any type of file or login being sent over the net, any communication 
> between the scripts should be encrypted, regardless of whether it is 
> client/server communication, or file transfer. 
Robert's suggestion was a good one, as ssh (rather than SSH) is very 
good at building encrypted tunnels between arbitrary processes.

> Now that I've finally stated what I want to do (sorry) Is SSH a good 
> option, or just using sockets with pycrypto? Thanks in advance.  
I think I'd rather use the already-engineered ssh solution, relying as 
it does on well-thought-out asymmetric encryption. You might want to look at



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PyCon TX 2006                          www.pycon.org


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