Hi there,

I would like to copy a file from one machine (machine #01) to another 
(machine #02).

machine #01: Suse Linux 9.2, Samba 3, Python 2.3.5
machine #02: Windows Machine, Destination Dir: <Share>\temp\files\

Both machines are in one network so they can communicate each other. In 
order to be able to write a file in the directory on Machine #02 I need 
to be the user "myadmin".

In a short Python program I create the source file on Machine #01 like this:

filecontent = 'This is just a test...'
# my own helper method to generate a unique filename
filename = createUniqueFilename()
f = open('/var/files/' + filename, 'w')

Every time a new source file has been created it needs to be copied or 
moved from machine #01 to machine #02.
Are there Python modules which help me doing this job? Any examples how 
to do that would be very helpful.

Kind regards and many thanks in advance,

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