yoda wrote:

>This feels like a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway.
Definitely not a stupid question.

>How can I process files chronologically (newest last) when using

Try this:

In [16]:  file_list = [(os.stat(f)[8], f) for f in [os.path.join(i[0], 
j) for i in os.walk("/home/jmjones/public_html") for j in i[2]]]

In [17]:  file_list.sort()

In [18]:  sorted_file_list = [f[1] for f in file_list]

I *think* os.stat()[8] is the modification time element...but this 
should probably work for you.  That first list comprehension looks like 
a booger if you're not familiar with them.  If you have any trouble with 
it, just shoot a message back to the list and I'll decypher it for you.


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