googleboy a écrit :
> Hi.
> I am trying to collapse an html table into a single line.  Basically,
> anytime I see ">" & "<" with nothing but whitespace between them,  I'd
> like to remove all the whitespace, including newlines. I've read the
> how-to and I have tried a bunch of things,  but nothing seems to work
> for me:
> --
> table = open(r'D:\path\to\tabletest.txt', 'rb')
> strTable =
> #Below find the different sort of things I have tried, one at a time:
> strTable = strTable.replace(">\s<", "><") #I got this from the module
> docs

 From which module's doc ?

">\s<" is the litteral string ">\s<", not a regular expression. Please 
re-read the re module doc, and the re howto (you'll find a link to it in 
the re module's doc...)

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