> I'm making a little research project about programming languages e
 > their respective IDEs....

Paul Rubin wrote:
> Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>If you focus on IDEs, your research will have pre-selected only
>>certain kinds of programmers and teams, and will not necessarily
>>include the best ones.
> It wouldn't have occurred to me to say that Ken Iverson (APL), Peter
> Deutsch (PARC Smalltalk), or Dave Moon (MIT Lisp machine) were any of
> them slouches.  Some of the best programming ever done has gone into
> IDE's....
Peter's point (with which I agree) is that you are pulling a subset,
not that all IDE-users are necessarily worse than non-IDE users.

My point was that it is a mistake to think of "programming languages
and their respective IDEs" as if the IDE is inextricably tied to a
particular language and the language is inextricably linked with a
particular IDE.

-Scott David Daniels

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