I notice that if I use this syntax:

def classname:
     # closes the database connection and releases the resources.
     def close(self):

     # Returns a list of fields
     fields = property(....)

then doing:

help (classname)

then the text is listed for the property and the method, whereas if I do


then nothing is listed, and to get that I have to use the """.."""
syntax to document:

     def close(self):
         """closes the datab..."""

then classname.close.__doc__ shows the text.

So, my question is, is there a way to get __doc__ support for
properties, in effect, use the """xxx""" syntax for documenting properties.

Is the preferred way to use """xxx""" or # to document ?
Whatever is preferred, what's the upside/downsides of the two beyond
what I just explained?

Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
PGP KeyID: 0x2A42A1C2

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