Carl wrote:

> I have recently started to use Pyrex and am amazed by it's useability.
> Are there any alternatives to Pyrex?
> One thing that I haven't figured out is how to embed pure C/C++ source
> code into Pyrex. For example, if you have a bunch of C files that you want
> to use together with some Python code snippets, how do you practically
> achieve this using Pyrex? I have come to the conclusion that it is not
> possible without some rewriting and adaptation (translation) of available
> C source code (if you don't want to compile and link all your C source
> into a statical or dynamical library).
> Carl

I'm not sure exactly where you're having  problems, but that's what extern
cdef's are for.  Then you can add the source modules to, just like
you do with the pyrex source.  You'll probably gather by now that you're
building with distutils, not pyrexc.

I've done this on Windows, haven't tried in on other platforms.


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