Gerhard Häring wrote:
> Markus Wankus wrote:
>> [...] Thanks for the reply - maybe I'll give it another shot.  I'm 
>> currently demoing Snakelets.  Quite a turn in the opposite direction, 
>> but small and super-easy to get going with. [...]
> I also found Snakelets a pleasure to use and chose it for implementing a 
> clan homepage in early 2005.
> I'm still very interested in the Python/Web/RDBMS field and tried to 
> follow the developments since then. I didn't actually build anything 
> real, only played a little bit with CherryPy and the megaframeworks 
> built upon, Subway and TurboGears.
> If I had to choose again, I'd use TurboGears, despite the fact that it's 
> very young and still developing.
> -- Gerhard

Good to know.  I have watched the screencast for Turbogears but haven't 
tried it yet.  There seemed to be a lot of "magic" methods going on 
there, and you could tell the guy doing the screencast had done that 
more than once. ;o)  I guess once you run through the manual it would 
all make sense.

I figure I'll give Snakelets a good go first.  Is your Snakelets-based 
page up and accessible somewhere?


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