there are a lot of packeges under suspicion:

cPickle, select, threading, logging, socket, struct

Michael Ekstrand wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 October 2005 11:13, Maksim Kasimov wrote:
>>my programm sometime gives "Segmentation fault" message (no matter
>>how long the programm had run (1 day or 2 weeks). And there is
>>nothing in log-files that can points the problem. My question is how
>>it possible to find out where is the problem in the code? Thanks for
>>any help.
> What extension modules are you using?
> I've never seen "stock" Python (stable release w/ only included modules) 
> segfault, but did see a segfault with an extension module I was using 
> the other week (lxml IIRC, but I'm not sure).
> - Michael

Best regards,
Maksim Kasimov

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