"CJ" wrote:

>    What does worry me, is that I can't seem to get the program by a
> certain spot. It keeps giving me the same error, and I don't know why.

quite often, exception messages means exactly what they say; if
you get an index error, it's because you're trying to fetch an item
that doesn't exist.

for simple debugging, the "print" statement is your friend:

> ttllst=[4,3,45,3]
> cnto=0
> cntt=1
> rept=-1
> print cnto
> print cntt
> print ttllst[cnto]
> print ttllst[cntt]
> choice=raw_input("Begin? ")
> if choice == "yes" or choice == "y":
>     while cnto<>len(ttllst)+1:

           print cnto, cntt, len(ttllst)

>         if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
>             rept=rept+1
>         if cntt==len(ttllst):
>             print ttllst[cnto],"appears in the list",rept,"times."
>             cntt=-1
>             cnto=cnto+1
>             rept=-1
>         cntt=cntt+1
>     print "done."

with that in place, I get

Begin? y
0 1 4
0 2 4
0 3 4
0 4 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 14, in ?
    if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
IndexError: list index out of range

which means that your second list index (cntt) is too large.

figuring out how to fix that is left as an etc etc.


PS.  when you've sorted this out, you might wish to check out the
"count" method on list objects:

>>> help(list.count)
Help on method_descriptor:

    L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value


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