"Iyer, Prasad C" wrote:

> How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class
> from import1.py import *
> from import2.py import *

thats a syntax error; I assume you meant

    from import1 import *
    from import2 import *

which simply doesn't work if you need to access things that happens
to have the same name in both modules.

it's like typing

    a = 1
    a = 2

and then asking how you can access the original 1 via the "a" variable.

so unless you know *exactly* what you're doing, you should *never*
use "from import *" -- unless you're using a module that someone else
wrote, and the documentation for that module tells you do use it.

see http://effbot.org/zone/import-confusion.htm for more on this.

(see other replies for how to do what you want in a way that actually



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