Paul Rubin wrote:
>>Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global
>>variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if
>>not actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your
>>proposal semantics.
> Different how?

Aren't you looking for some of compile-time checking that ensures that 
only declared variables are actually used? If so, how does global help?

>>Your making this feature "optional" contradicts the subject of this
>>thread i.e. declarations being necessary.  
> They're necessary if you enable the option.

OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?

> def do_add(x->str, y->str):
>       return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
> def do_something(node->Node):
>       if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
>           return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
>       elif node.namespace == ...

Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?

And I notice that you are not doing any checking that "namespace" is a 
valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error that 
you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes as 



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