Dick Moores wrote:

>(Sorry, my previous post should not have had "Tutor" in the subject header.)
>Magnus Lie Hetland's new book, _Beginning Python: From Novice to
>Professional_ was published by Apress on Sept. 26 (in the U.S.). My copy
>arrived in the mail a couple of days ago. Very much worth a look, IMHO.
>But what do the experts here think?
>Dick Moores
I don't know what "the experts" think, but I thought it was excellent.  
I had the pleasure of serving as tech editor/reviewer for this book.  My 
dead tree version hasn't arrived yet, but should be on its way. 

The style is extremely readable, not a hint of dryness in it at all.  
The concepts are clearly and thoroughly presented.  This is an excellent 
resource for someone starting Python, but definitely useful for those 
already familiar with Python.  One thing that kept coming to mind as I 
was reading it, especially toward the end during the projects at the 
end, was that this would probably also be an excellent educational 
resource for teachers in a classroom setting teaching students Python.  
I would be interested to hear some teachers' opinion on that to see if 
that's a correct assessment.

Anyway, I highly recommend this book.

- jmj

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