On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 20:39:18 -0400, Sherm Pendley wrote:

> Richard Gration <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Are you fucking seriously fucking expecting some fucking moron to
>> translate your tech geeking fucking code moronicity? Fucking try writing
>> it fucking properly in fucking Perl first.
> Good fucking job! That's the funniest fucking response I've ever fucking seen
> to Xah's fucking moronistic fucking nonsense.

Thanks, Sherm. I knew someone would get it. I think Bear and Ulrich
haven't yet been exposed to Xah "in full effect" ;-) They're probably
denizens of the Scheme group which seems to be a new entry on Xah's "this
newsgroup needs spamming" list ;-)

> Lenny Bruce would be so fucking proud.


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