Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> Are people really too lazy to do elementary research on Google?
> goes a bit too far in imputing motives to the enquirer and overlooking
> the fact that there are some very good reasons for *not* using Google.

It's a good thing you don't actually name any of those reasons, tho:-).

> we're talking male hormones here, since by and large women don't appear
> to have embraced the Python community (except perhaps individually, but
> that's no business of mine).

Anna seems to be doing fine, though.  She's currently taking a C class
at college and claims "the more I know C, the more I love Python" - and
I gather she's evangelizing (and the class is about 50/50 genderwise;-).

> Also, many regular readers didn't grow up speaking English (I was 

Yep -- I'm one example of that.  Didn't stop Google from hiring me,


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