Steve Holden wrote:
> Or is "the green tomato" also unacceptable?

Of course it is. We all know* it should be "the green fried tomato", or "the
killer tomato". 


(is it me, or is the subject line for this thread silly? After all, what
accent would you expect from someone in the UK? However, that said, the
concept of a *single* British accent is a silly as the idea. Sillier even
than the suggestion that the two lines below are British vs American:

> American: Minnesota is behind 7-0.  The Vikings are behind 7-0.
> British: Minnesota are behind 7-0. The Vikings are behind 7-0.

Or even these lines:

> American: The war department has decided to cancel the program.
> British: The war department have decided to cancel the program.

A better one might be:
> British: "They installed tunnelling for the petrol pipes made of grey
> coloured aluminium." 
> American: "They installed tunneling for the gas pipes made of gray
> colored aluminum."

(I think :-) I do my best with grammar, but can fail spectactularly, more
often than I'd like :)

Bad grammar flies at the same speed as the pedants who decide that the way
that other people talk is wrong. If the majority of people use a language
one way, and a small number of people say "you're wrong", who's right? 

Is it the people who speak the language in a shared way that they all
understand, or the people who are setting rules based on how people *used*
to speak and *used* to define words? (NB, I *did* say majority above ;-)
Does /human/ language _require_ backwards compatibility?




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