Steve Holden wrote:
> Then again, there's room for infinite disagreement about these topics. I 
> mentioned a while ago that I disliked the English on a bumper sticker I 
> liked, which read
> "Some village in Texas is missing their idiot".
> Several people defended this, saying that a village could use the plural 
> possessive "their". I personally found it odd (and essentially 
> non-grammatical) not because either the singular or plural forms should 
> be mandated but because this one manages to mix them up. So
> "Some village in Texas are missing their idiot"
> would be better (though it sounds like the kind of thing only the idiot 
> alluded to would say), while my preferred choice would be
> "Some village in Texas is missing its idiot".

Strangely, the one that scans most naturally to me is the first 
one. Maybe its because the sentence starts by talking of a 
village in Texas singular point on a map, but the idiot in the 
second half is one of many inhabitants who have noticed his 
absence. Yes, it is mixing singular and plural from a syntactic 
point of view, but not so badly after interepretation into mental 

The one that always makes me grit my teeth is "You have got to, 
don't you?". Well no, I do NOT got to, actually. Shudder!

Steve, Brung up in norf London.

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