Can anyone show me an example of of using dis() with a traceback?

Examples of using disassemble_string() and distb() separately if 
possible would be nice also.

I'm experimenting with modifying the dis module so that it returns it's 
results instead of using 'print' it as it goes.  I want to make sure it 
works for all the current use cases (or as many as possible), but I 
haven't been able to find any examples of using dis with tracebacks 
using google.  I keep getting various copies of the current and older 
Python doc pages when I search, and not much else.

How much other python code depends on the dis() and disassembly() 
functions?  Is it used by other modules or is it meant to be a stand 
alone tool?

The changes I've made (for my own use so far) is to have disassembly() 
return a bare unformatted table, (list of list), that can easily be 
examined with python, and then to use a dis2str() function to return a 
nice formatted output-string from the table.  In order to have dis() 
display properly in an interactive shell as well as printing, I have 
dis() return a disassembly list object with a  __repr__() method to call 

class disobj(list):
     """ A disassembly list object """
     def __init__(self, dislist, name=None, lasti=-1):
         self[:] = dislist = name
         self.lasti = lasti
     def __repr__(self):
         return dis2str(self,, self.lasti)

That seems to work well in both the shell and with 'print'.  And it 
still allows direct table introspection without having to parse the 
output.  ;-)

For example the get_labels() function used was reduced to ...

def getlabels(dislist):
     """ Get labels from disassembly list table. """
     return [x[4] for x in dislist if type(x[4]) is str]

Another benefit, is to be able to get the results without having to 
redirect, capture, and then reset sys.stdout.

But I still need to rewrite disassemble_string() and need to test it 
with tracebacks.



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