On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 17:57:13 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gordon
Burditt) wrote or quoted :

>HTML enables a heck of a lot of problems:  "web bugs" in email,
>links to fake sites that appear as real ones in what shows up
>on the screen, Javascript viruses, denial-of-service attacks
>(pages that open two windows when you close one), etc.
>>That is like hating all choirs because televangelists use them.
>I liken it more to hating all viruses because some of them 
>install keyloggers.

 I take it then you avoid browsers or use Lynx?  No you FIX the
problems rather than wear a hair shirt. Same for email. Why should
rich expressions only be permitted to those with websites.  

Some people use email PRIMARILY for sharing photos.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
http://mindprod.com Again taking new Java programming contracts.

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