Dear Michael Goettsche,

why don't you lead the pack to be on-topic for a change, huh?


Michael Goettsche wrote:
> On Saturday 08 October 2005 22:10, Xah Lee wrote:
> > there is a MacPerl program posted in 1998 that uses Mac's speech synth
> > to sing Daisy Bell.
> > See:
> >
> >
> >
> > can anyone modify it so it runs out of the box on today's OS X?
> >
> > PS i'm posting this also in python and lisp group, i hope it'd be some
> > general interest. For some background of this song, see
> >
> >
> > i'm interested in getting versions that can sing the song in Windows,
> > Mac, Linux using whatever speech synth each OS may provide. Thanks.
> >
> >  Xah
> > ∑
> You're asking "tech geekers" and "morons" to do this job? Isn't that a task
> for somebody more professional like you?


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