In Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote or quoted:
> Roedy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Read my essay.
> >
> >
> > I talk around those problems.
> Actually, you present a design that forces a solution that makes them
> do what you want down their throats, never mind what they want, or
> what they've been doing. It shows an amazing ignorance about the
> internet and how people behave on it. Like most antispam proposals, it
> won't actually stop spam, just force spammers to concentrate on
> different channels. You seem to have randomly broken quoting for
> people who download mail and read it offline, and for any medium
> that's unreliable or doesn't reliably deliver messages "in order" -
> which includes mail and news.  Virus writers will love the ability to
> change peoples address books remotely.

Since - in Roedy's essay - messages are digitally signed, authority
to advise about any email address updates would presumably be confined
to those people with access to the sender's private key.

Even /without/ any form of authentication, a standard change-of-address 
message - which is understood by mail readers - is a fine and sensible 
 |im |yler  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Remove lock to reply.

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