Brett, I did that and now when I enter "keywords" I get a list of words. 
And it says that I can enter any of the words to get more help.  I enter 
"class" and I get "could not read docs from C:/Python24/ref/if.html".

"Brett Hoerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> You can use Python regardless of the docs... of course.  Not sure what
> you mean there.
> As far as setting an Environment Variable, though:
> (1) Right-Click My Computer, go to Properties
> (2) Go to the Advanced tab
> (3) Click Environment Variables (bottom middle-ish)
> (4) Under "User Variables" click New,
> (5)
> Variable name: PYTHONDOCS
> Variable value: C:\Python24
> Of course, the value needs to be the correct folder that you said you
> dropped the HTML docs into.


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