[saw huan chng]

> I am beginner in Python. I have some questions on WMI Service in Python. 
> I was able to use properties of Class Restore in WMI, but not able to 
> use the method. Here is the sample code that I done, anyone can help me?

[... snip code ...]

OK, I don't actually use XP (and the SystemRestore doesn't exist on 2000)
but I *strongly* suggest that if you're going to do anything with WMI you
(** blows own trumpet **) use this module:


It does some of the dirty work you'd otherwise have to do.

Effectively, the answer to your question is that Method-calling in
WMI is a bit of a messy process. That's why I wrote the module to
cover up the messiness. Unfortunately, there are some new areas
of WMI-ness in XP which I've never really used, so the module's
a bit weak in these areas.

Using the wmi module, you'll have to do this (effectively untested):

import wmi

connection = wmi.connect_server (".", namespace=r"root\DEFAULT")

sequence_number = 11

# Bit of a hack; I need to improve the module here
system_restore = wmi._wmi_object (connection.Get ("SystemRestore"))
system_restore.Restore (sequence_number)


If you really want to do it yourself, you need to do something like
this: (*very* untested)

import win32com.client

wmi_service = win32com.client.Dispatch ("WbemSripting.SWbemLocator")
wbem_services = wmi_service.ConnectServer (".", r"root\DEFAULT")
test_obj = wbem_services.Get ("SystemRestore")

sequence_number = 11

restore_method = test_obj.Methods_ ("Restore")
restore_params = restore_method.InParameters
restore_params.Properties_ ("SequenceNumber").Value = sequence_number
test_obj.ExecMethod_ ("Restore", restore_params)

Hope that helps a bit


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