Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Timothy Smith wrote:
>>>> i have NO idea what in there could be making it have such a strange
>>>> error. it just says "error" when you try run it. there nothing terribly
>>>> strange being done.
>> i am still coming across this error it's driving me nuts. usually i 
>> can find what's wrong, but it is becoming an increasingly annoying 
>> problem. i also get the same problem on a windows machine with the 
>> same installed. this time it's nothing to do with the decimal module. 
>> help!
> Go back to first principles. Can you grab all the modules being used, 
> and search them for the string "error"? Ignore any hits which are in a 
> comment. One of the others is almost certainly responsible.
> You can test that by changing the string to "this is a PITA" and see if 
> your mysterious error message changes or not.

Maybe there's a way he can examine the traceback to find it.

I think there's probably a better way, but it may be a start.

def seetrace():
     import inspect
     print inspect.trace()
     print ''.join(inspect.trace(5)[0][4])

         #### suspect code block
         a = 15+'c'
         print 'hello'
         for x in range(10):
             a = x
         raise "my error"    # you never see this

# This is why bare excepts are not a good idea.
     raise "Error: your error"

In this example you never see "my error" because the outer try over 
rides it. but the prints's still print and give you information about 
the actual error in this case.

[(<frame object at 0x009A5628>, '', 17, '?', ["        a = 
15+'c'\n"], 0)]
         #### suspect code block
         a = 15+'c'
         print 'hello'
         for x in range(10):

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 26, in ?
     raise "your error"
Error: your error

Hope this helps,


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