Neal Becker wrote:

> I can do this with a generator:
>     def integers():
>         x = 1
>         while (True):
>             yield x
>             x += 1
> for i in integers():
> Is there a more elegant/concise way?

depends on your definition of "integers":

    xrange(sys.maxint) # 0-based
    xrange(1, sys.maxint) # 1-based

gives you a sequence-like object that generates all positive Python
integers (no long integers)

    itertools.count() # 0-based
    itertools.count(1) # 1-based

gives you an iterator that generates all Python integers (the behaviour
when it exceeds sys.maxint doesn't seem to be defined, but 2.4 wraps
around to -(sys.maxint+1))



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